Protect Your Home From COVID-19 & Other Germs
UV Lights Keep your Family Safe
Indoor air isn’t always the freshest, especially if you only occasionally open your doors and windows. Typically, indoor air is circulated from one room to the next. Without some way to clean it, this air can contain all sorts of pollutants and germs, including mold, bacteria, pet dander, allergens and viruses – including COVID-19.
Improving indoor air quality (IAQ) can dramatically improve your health. For this purpose, ultraviolet (UV) lights offer many benefits. They have the ability to destroy different microorganisms like mold, mildew, viruses and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
What’s in Your Indoor Air?
Thinking about the composition of your indoor air might not be something you do on a regular basis. In fact, you might be breathing in more than 350 different contaminants – everything from skin cells, contaminants, cleaning fumes, mold spores, yeast and more. While you might not realize it, IAQ can affect your health. You might experience any or all of the following issues:
- Nausea
- Asthma
- Coughing/sneezing
- Fatigue
- Chronic respiratory issues
- Depression/irritability
- Sinus infections
- Allergy problems
What is the solution? A whole home UV light purification system is effective at reducing harmful pollutants and allergens.
How a Whole-Home UV Purification System Benefits You
With our dual purification system, you get an estimated 9,000 hours of lifespan. UV lights can destroy 99.9% of biological contaminants – including illness-inducing viruses and bacteria – on a single pass. UV light will sanitize the air as well as your HVAC system’s coils, drain line and ductwork. It will also remove any organic threats and unpleasant odors that might be lingering in your home.
Let’s Talk Today
Do you have questions about UV lights and how they can keep your family safer and healthier? The experts at UVC Light Pros can address all your concerns and provide the best solution for your property. Fill out our convenient online form or call (214) 738-4463.